Vote for the best verboticism.

'When I said that you're a loser, I meant it as a compliment.'

DEFINITION: v. To exercise power through the strategic use of personal insults, while pretending to offer encouragement. n. A leader who motivates people by insulting them.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: gode/diggur

Sentence: Our new MD is such a goaddigger that he simultaneously hurls insults and backslaps with lightening speed, "Builds moral" he screams as he steps over a flattened colleague

Etymology: goad + digger (supervisor) + gold digger (bully, vixen, tease)


very goad - galwaywegian, 2007-06-12: 06:22:00

petaj incellent in fact! - petaj, 2007-06-12: 08:06:00

Someone needs to inform Jim Goad. Very apropos. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 08:52:00

hey Clayton - I didn't even know who Jim Goad was so I googled and guess what - today's his birthday! doo doo doo doo - Jabberwocky, 2007-06-12: 09:42:00

That's some really serious weirdness right there. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 09:48:00

also creepy, appearantly he was a total jerkface. what a coincidence! - jadenguy, 2007-06-12: 10:09:00

An auth-hole? - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 10:22:00

Depends on who you ask. That's the reason I said it was apropos, though... because Goad's writing is plenty insulting and misanthropic at times. But then again, so was Mark Twain's, Celine's, and Vonnegut's at times. If you ask me, Goad's material is terribly funny. - Clayton, 2007-06-12: 10:28:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: win sult

Sentence: When Alxis wanted to motivate her top sales people, she used reverse psychology on them. She'd treat them so badly and abased them, that they would prove her wrong by outdoing themselves. Their success was their best revenge on her. Her winsult approach opened up a whole new career for her on the self-help book and lecture circuit.

Etymology: Win (be successful, attain a goal) & Insult (treat, mention, or speak to rudely)

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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: SUHB-lihm-hayt

Sentence: Alex, unaware of the powers of sublimhation, couldn't understand why he always felt worse after his boss's "pep talks".

Etymology: subordinate + subliminal + sublimate + hate


oooo, an irony fisted word! - purpleartichokes, 2007-06-12: 13:19:00

Excellent word. - ErWenn, 2007-06-13: 00:34:00


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Created by: nynaeve




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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: lēdərhōzən

Sentence: Whenever folks get too uppity the boss administers a good leaderhosin.

Etymology: leader (the person who leads or commands a group, organization, or country) + hose (metaphorical term for screwing someone) a play on Lederhosen


mrskellyscl My morning chuckle. Thanks, artr. - mrskellyscl, 2010-01-06: 07:57:00


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Created by: bubbos

Pronunciation: de-rog-o-lit-tle

Sentence: Nancy derogolittled Billy's inability to please her in bed. "At least you're incompetency is not the worst I've seen."

Etymology: Derogatory + Belittle

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Created by: Zer22

Pronunciation: Ir-Go-Nog-A-Tism

Sentence: The irgonogatism tone in her voice made me feel unworthy.



Etymology = Ignorance + Noggin(Head) + Tism. - Zer22, 2007-06-12: 14:35:00


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Created by: bigdog


Sentence: My team lead always makes me look like an idiot during meeting when he sandbags me with a public show of slurport for my work.

Etymology: slur - impugn one's character or ability + support - to encourage


petaj Good one. - petaj, 2007-06-12: 07:51:00


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Created by: giveaphuk




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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: f'-lan-TREE-uhl-ik

Sentence: Although seemed always seeming warm and friendly, it was not her mellow mien, but her canditoxic philantriolic tongue that told the true tale of her feelings.

Etymology: Blend of PHILANTHROPY: Love of humankind in general. Something, such as an activity, intended to promote human welfare; thoughtfulness; benvolent. & VITRIOLIC: Biting, bitter or caustic; having or expressing strong and unpleasantly negative feelings; -- of speech or feelings.


metrohumanx Yikes! Bad Candy kills. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-05: 07:14:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-06-12: 01:52:00
The second step in Timothy Johnson's GUST process is Understanding. And apparently, based on the number of definitions we received on this topic, everybody understands what it is like to have a bad boss. Today's definition was suggested by ohwtepph , suzanne, and remistram. Thank you ohwtepph, suzanne, remistram, and Timothy! ~ James

lumina - 2008-08-07: 13:49:00
Wow! So fun and an honor to have come up with the "winning" word. "I'd like to thank the Academy, my parents and of course Jesus." ha Thanks to the voters! (she says as the music starts playing and the tap dancing man with the hook from the gong show comes into view...)

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-01-06: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by ohwtepph. Thank you ohwtepph. ~ James